Can we have a blog for everyone to share Outernet Hacks and Antenna improvement's etc

Syed can you please think about a blog page or multiple pages that are editable so that we can all put up our Outernet hardware and software hacks and improvements.

I would really like to copy some one else’s omni / hemi spherical L-Band Antenna design, to see if it works better than laying the current antenna flat down .

Plus I am sure people are building housings for the DIY kits etc.

This is fantastic community information and effort that we can all benefit from.

I second the recommendation. Ken

Good idea! I already started something like this here in the forum. Maybe we no need an other blog for this but something like “categories view” here in the forum as the different topics can easily recognized etc.


How about a community-editable wiki?

Both a blog and wiki are easy to stand up. Do you think they would be a lot more useful than a dedicated forum category with new threads for each design?