Consumption of the installation


Aprovechando que me ha llegado un juguete nuevo, lo estoy probando haciéndole unas mediciones a la instalación, cuando pasen unas horas comprobare lo de los Ah.

He hecho la medición con el adaptador oficial de la Raspberry PI 3, y con un adaptador de 12V-5V3A comprado por ebay.



Taking advantage of the arrival of a new toy, I am testing it by doing some measurements to the installation, when I spend a few hours check the Ah.

I have made the measurement with the official adapter of the Raspberry PI 3, and with a 12V-5V3A adapter purchased by ebay.

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I also measured the power consumption with a usb powermeter in the past few weeks.

Most of the time, it needs around 600-700mA. Sometimes it goes up to 800ma, but only for a few seconds.
My Setup contains the standard DIY Kit (CHIP Alpha, v3, Outernet LNA, Patch Antenna).


You are likely to see the biggest draw as the chip system is starting up. I don’t know how quickly your little meter responds to changes in current, but if it has a peak hold setting you may want to give that a look. But it is good to know that when the system is running idle it is below 1A.

It would also be interesting to see what the current reading goes to when the new OTA update starts flashing. I am guessing it would be low, but I could be mistaken.


Parece que no tiene para ver el pico máximo, pero es bastante rápido mostrando los cambios de voltaje y amperaje, quiero dejarlo el máximo tiempo posible para ver el consumo acumulado de varios días, ya después mirare el consumo al iniciarse.


It seems that you do not have to see the maximum peak, but it is quite fast showing the changes of voltage and amperage, I want to leave it as long as possible to see the accumulated consumption of several days, and then look at the consumption when starting.

24 horas 40 minutos: