Guerrilla Arbian UI Update Thread

This thread will be used to make notes about doing the full outernet thing on the Armbian release for DreamCatcher. Verify the resulting files with the MD5 below (md5sum )

starting from the raw Armbian image do the following…

ONDD Setup
FTP to a DreamCatcher, copy the following files off of the system… be SURE to FORCE binary transfer.

/usr/sbin/ondd (md5:207723be33f4da57bd64a6549e11e95d)
/usr/sbin/ontimeout (md5:5092f17f0152ca352799290999ba7a6c)

Create an empty conf file

Create a place to place downloads
/home/downloads (or wherever)

Create a place for download cache

Run ondd with the following command:

/usr/sbin/ondd -d --pid_file /var/run/ --cfg-gile [empty cfg file you created] -c [location for download cache] -o [location for completed downloads] -D /var/run/ --sdr-timeout-handler /usr/sbin/ontimeout

Command Help
[Skylark][outernet@outernet:/usr/sbin]$ /usr/sbin/ondd -h
00:11:21.099 [main] Unable to load config: /etc/ondd.conf (null)
Usage: ondd
–cfg-file CONFIG_FILE override default config file location
–pid-file PID_FILE override default pid file location
–ctrl-sock SOCK_FILE override default control socket path used for ipc
–status-sock SOCK_FILE override default status report socket path - status e
–cert-file CERT_FILE override default ceritificate file location
-D SOCK_FILE data socket path to which the demodulator sends raw s
–sdr-timeout-handler script to execute if no data arrives through the date
-o PATH path to output directory where downloaded files are d
-c PATH path to cache directory where partially downloaded fd
-O PATH if specified, files which path does not begin with td
-b N set the maximum number of download completion eventsy
-d start ondd in daemon mode
-i print to stdout the current signal strength and snr,d
-V enable verbose mode
-v display ondd version info
-h display this helptext

odd copied from the DC Skylark release v4.4 sometimes segfaults on Armbian, i can’t tell why without source, but heres some details of the bin…

root@dreamcatcher:~# md5sum ondd
de005f19a173038ee54737051d66b4a4 odd

root@dreamcatcher:~# file ./ondd
./ondd: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux-ard

Skylark v4.4 / dc (16ba9bb)
built at 2017-06-22 22:46:51+00:00

Copyright 2017 Outernet Inc
Some rights reserved.
[Skylark][outernet@outernet:~]$ md5sum /usr/sbin/ondd 
207723be33f4da57bd64a6549e11e95d  /usr/sbin/ondd
Skylark v4.4 / dc (fae085c)
built at 2017-05-14 18:09:27+00:00

Copyright 2017 Outernet Inc
Some rights reserved.
[Skylark][outernet@outernet:~]$ md5sum /usr/sbin/ondd 
207723be33f4da57bd64a6549e11e95d  /usr/sbin/ondd

My md5 matches Abhishek’s value

yea thanks @Abhishek that was very helpful, it seems that filezilla doesn’t think its binary… anyway forced binary and we are good…

can i get the config file format? (if there is one)


its not needed for this application. otherwise there would have been a config file in Skylark, right?

@Abhishek yes of course, but it doesn’t mean that i shouldn’t try to understand how it works more.

I guess some perspective here is needed, I’m not interested in hacking together something by tripping and stumbling through a hacked kludge of junk, i never do, cause when it breaks your clueless on how to troubleshoot it.

I want to understand how it all works and fits together.

Thanks for the support, i appreciate it

I’m abandoning the project to modify the code on the DreamCatcher… its under powered, and the lack of support / desire to support is clear.

Im leaving Skylark on the dreamcatcher and wrote an application to pull off the data to another system via FTP as it completes… essentially the DC is just a downloader… users will connect to another system with more power…

Essentially isn’t what you are saying

“The way the old CHIP version of SKYLARK worked was basically a download-er.”

Basically handing over the processing to a HTML browser etc.

I love the idea of a ARMBIAN Outernet. There are a tonne of devices that run Armbian well.

they designed the DC to be a downloader and an interface, but thats not what Im gonna do with it. In my design, users will not connect directly to the DC to get data access, they will get it from another system. in this configuration it is just a downloader.

I ran the DC in a campground in Florida for a week. During that week we had as many as 25 people connected at once, with at most 15 active sessions to the webserver (noted by netstat -a --> as ESTABLISHED) I could barely login to the interface. Bringing up the File Manager and looking at Directories was impossible with more than 100 files in a folder.

the DC is cool no question (im buying a few more to dedicate to other functions), and im sure its not the endgame for Outernet Connectivity, but this isn’t gonna be a platform that can be improved with just software changes.

I agree a working ONDD and a demod to run on a generic Armbian is necessary, im still willing to go that route, but ill need input from Outernet on their proprietary / closed code… Its not something we can just stumble through…
