Way down South in Africa

Is there Outernet services anywhere in Africa. If not how long will it be before services would be available?

Been out of touch for a while and I have just seen the new coverage maps and see L-band is no longer in use. Is my old Dreamcatcher able to pick up the new signals with a different antenna?

I am in South Africa and am toying with the Idea of buying the latest v3.05 Data Radio Kit and keep up with the hardware and software development side of things.

I love this concept and I am also enjoying being part of the testing stages but I did shelve the project so I don’t know whether I should wait until the coverage is world wide?

I also have not been on the forum in ages but I am will be a regular forumer from now on as I see the full potential of this technology and am happy to see progress that has been achieved.

If you look at the product page and scroll down you will see the current coverage maps.

There is some coverage in Africa but nothing down south.

I would love to light up a new channel for southern Africa, but we need a way to pay for it. We have had several inquiries for South America and sub-Saharan Africa. I’m always looking for sponsors but as of yet have not had any luck.

Thanks for the info looks promising I will purchase the new Dreamcatcher and keep in the loop.
I will assemble it and use the SD card from my existing Dreamcatcher.
Will I have to work with a different operating system etc.?
What sort of signal can I use for testing purposes?
I have the Maverick MK1-PLL LNB is this compatible with the new unit?

I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to buy one. There is nothing for you to receive now and I have no idea when a new channel will start.

Hi Syed,

Maybe you could talk to the team at the ham radio GEO sat, QO-100, which is a ham band transponder on the Es’Hail 2 TV sat.

QO-100 has a narrow band all mode and wide band DATV mode transponder available for hams.
These transponders have a global footprint from 26 degrees East on 10.4 GHz.

The narrow band transponder is 250 KHz between beacons.
There is some bandwidth just outside of the 250 KHz passband.

With some cooperation, and depending on your required bandwidth, maybe some deal could be worked out for an Othernet channel on 10.4 GHz, just outside of the ham passband.

All depending on legalities, of course.


I think these narrow bandwidths between video signals should be “freebies” to the likes of othernet. but they are up there to make a profit.

Too bad we can’t just “sneek” the signal into the paid for signal. (maybe it is already being done)

@KC9SGV There are strict limitations on usage of ham bands, which we do not fall within.