Armbian see satellites

I am using Armbian and the Skylark 3.3, but I have these doubts, is there a way to lift the satellite connection in Armbian?
two some program to scan frequencies of satellites in band ku or band L. so I saw the maverik is bidirectional so I can use in one way or another (receiver, transmitter)

I think your Armbian and dreamcatcher could be a good receiver. but for uplink excitation it would be very low power.

I have not used this system but
I would refer you to this link to generate a good 2400 MHz uplink signal

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When I was playing with Armbian, I managed to get some extra features unlocked by assigning the proper GPIOs in my reverse engineered Device Tree Source, (eg access to the LEDs that Skylark has, such as SD2 and heartbeat, and kernel-level support for the LCD addresses (rather than userland level via module params)), but never found the LNB GPIO.

This device tree source will probably only work on v3.03 units btw