DreamCatcher Skylark setup and working, now want to move to Armbian, to customize

Hey all, i ran my Dream catcher for a week (including 5 days at a campground in florida, had 20 connections at one point), and was getting good signal, I avg SNR 12-13 all week… played alot with the skylark ui…

Now in full disclosure, i’m an embedded software engineer, doing C/C++ in many platforms from Busybox, Netbsd, to chip based RISC… this system though is pretty straightforward compared to those.

The UI is dog slow when you load up data in downloads dir, i think this has to do with the way the librarian indexes (or doesnt index) materials. In many ways its nearly impossible to use if you get too much in the downloads directory. It takes forever to even enumerate files in a single folder if you have more than 100 entries. There are also other issues with older java on ipads and such with the current skylark…

Instead of whining, i’m prepared to do another interface for this, if i can get the downloader / decoder in basic ELF format for Armbian. ( i know they are closed source)… ill then implement the web UI and indexing, user end interfaces etc.

the plan is to just let the downloader / decoder do its thing and have a process that picks up files in a hot directory to move, index and store…

I know its a longshot at best, i’ve seen the discussions about open source, not open source on this forum, and that Outernet is moving to a hardware focus business model…

but hey, i’m willing to do the work here… just provide the bits you want to keep closed as ELF for ARM…


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the binaries are already there on your running system!

where? I read that they were not released yet, that the Arnbian relase was just plain armbian/…

"@seasalt: the current Armbian image is just a base armbian/debian - "

" There is currently no outernet-satellite-service-specific feature in it, and cannot (out of the box) be used to receive Outernet signal right now. Watch for updates on that front over the next few days, though!"


Think about it for a minute :wink:

" There is currently no outernet-satellite-service-specific feature in it, and cannot (out of the box) be used to receive Outernet signal right now. Watch for updates on that front over the next few days, though!"

if its hidden in there, i cant imagine why all the Super secret squirrel crap…

where is it…


if your getting at copy from skylark image, to this one, i get that… but was looking for something more “official”, but if thats the “official” way im cool with that…


Someone already came up with an open source decoder if you want to go that route.

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Hi Chris welcome to Outernet.

Your enthusiasm is exciting.

I think Outernet being Open source means you can DO what you want to do.

But more importantly for humanity you have to be able to do it.

The idea that we all contribute in our own way, to software projects and all projects in general. Is so essential to society as a whole.

Outernet has brought together an enormous amount of talented people all working to make Outernet a better experience.

Welcome to the club.

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yes better yet… thanks for the links…

There is an open source Outernet demodulator that is not based on GNU Radio.

The decoder, known as ondd, can be found in Skylark.


thanks for the response, i did copy over ondd early on, but it just segfaults… without a debug version, GDB is painful to determine the cause… I want to spend my time working on the interface, not debugging code that i can’t do anything with … its a time management thing…


ok anyhoo… its not segfaulting today… (isn’t that always so?) ill push forward… thanks all…