Firmware update and flashing instructions for Dreamcatcher 2206

The latest firmware can be found here.

To flash/program the Dreamcatcher 2206, please download the three .bin-files from above. Next, visit this website:

  1. Plug the USB-C cable into the Dreamcatcher.
  2. Hold the button located between the USB-A connector and LED.
  3. While holding the button, plug the device into the computer.
  4. Click CONNECT
  5. Click the device in the dialog-box.
  6. Click ADD FILE twice so a total of three lines appear.
  7. Change the FLASH ADDRESS values to what appears below.
  8. Click CHOOSE FILE and add the appropriate .bin, as shown above.
  9. Click PROGRAM
  10. When you see “Leaving…” at the bottom of the terminal, remove the USB cable and connect the Dreamcatcher to the LNB. Next supply power over USB.

A successful flashing will start with two lit LEDs, but then change two just a single lit LED. You will also see the Othernet SSID when searching for wifi networks.