HOWTO: Remotely Monitoring Overheating DC

Since ive built a new enclosure for the DC that sits outside, i’ve needed to monitor the temp of the board while its in the hot Alabama sun. Since there is no “native” way to do this remotely from skylark, I hacked together this solution…

NOTE: using this method is not “secure” its a hack, using NC to open ports can be “hazardous”… so don’t be surprised if the neighbor kid uses the DC as a porn server…

  1. Login to the DC via ssh with the “outernet” user

  2. create a simple bash script that grabs the values your interested in and place it somewhere writable like /mnt/ (make sure its executable)


    more /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp

  3. start a simple NC listener on the DC

sudo nc -ll -p 4444 -e /mnt/ &

NC Usage:

Usage: nc [-iN] [-wN] [-l] [-p PORT] [-f FILE|IPADDR PORT] [-e PROG]

Open a pipe to IP:PORT or FILE

	-l	Listen mode, for inbound connects
		(use -ll with -e for persistent server)
	-p PORT	Local port
	-w SEC	Connect timeout
	-i SEC	Delay interval for lines sent
	-f FILE	Use file (ala /dev/ttyS0) instead of network
	-e PROG	Run PROG after connect
  1. On another system on the same network, create a simple script to poll the DC

    while true
    temp=nc 4444
    echo $((($temp/1000)*9/5+32))F
    sleep 10

In the case above my DC ip is, and im using port 4444. Its also converting the C value to F for yankee usage… sleeps 10 seconds and hits it again. you can even log to a file with timestamps, or add other values to send out…

running on OSX…

MacBook-Pro:~ me$ ./


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for the record, it wasn’t overheating… turned out to be a power problem… but this helped me rule out temp issues…
