KerberosSDR Radio Direction Finding directly with raspberry pi

I am working on a project to design an autonomous boat that will use Radio Direction Finding to locate and travel towards an emergency beacon. I noticed that generally the KerberosSDR is used with a PC and web-browser GUI. Is there a way that I can have the KerberosSDR feed the direction information back into the raspberry pi, that it can then use to control my device? If so, how do I set up my KerberosSDR to feed direction data back to the raspberry pi?

Thanks for your interest in KerberosSDR. You’ll receive much better answers on the RTL-SDR forum dedicated to Kerberos:

I know it’s a little confusing that you buy the product from the Othernet store, but then you get pointed to another website. We are working to clean all of this up by the end of the year. Everything will be under after that time (hopefully).

@andrew_skow As a quick reply to your question: Yes, a Pi can easily run the direction-finding application. I suggest the Pi 4.