Librarian is abandoned or just offline? File schedule/history?


I expected to find a file broadcast schedule and file archive but didn’t find a schedule and

I’m not clear how much use Outernet is because there’s no list of files online, thus unlikely one broadcast, so how to know what files to collect? Collect everything and then sift through filenames? Puzzling to me. I would have expected scheduled content. Ex. I know that new K12 educational content is broadcast between 1:00 and 3:00, so I record at those times, like having a TV series to record on VCR. :slight_smile:

One content source list is here but I don’t know if it’s been updated since 2014:
https :// Outernet Broadcast (Content - English) - Google Sheets

What is the bit rate? i.e. How much data is delivered in 24 hours?

(Sorry, new users can only put 2 links in a post.)



Please take a look at Outernet Tech.

You get about 20MB/day and so on.

There is no filecast schedule as far as i know. But you get News and such.
Normaly you collect everything that is send 24/7 and then just look what you got. You get everything sorted in categories, so you don’t have to search through.

regards from Germany,

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Librarian has been superseded by a bit of software called Skylark.

You can see that here:

It’s working and the content is getting better all the time.

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