Troubles with dreamcatcher and skylark


I have a Dreamcatcher v2.03. It was working, but it has stopped working.

My first question is, which software am I meant to be running?

I am running skylark-dc-1706222246.img. I have the all-metal antenna, and it is attached to the antenna at the corner of the board.

I can see the Outernet network on my wifi, but when I try to connect to it in Safari, I get a message that I cannot connect to the network because it is not connected to the internet.

I am running a Mac, and I am also using an iPad.

I have tried to connect to the dreamcatcher wifi with Safari, and Chrome.

The board appears to be running normally (I can see the heartbeat led) but I just can’t connect to the wifi signal.

And ideas?

error message

This site can’t be reached

The webpage at outernet - Google Search might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.

You should use the passive image and also connect the antenna to the LNA port.

Were you previously able to connect to the hotspot? Was it recently changed to client mode?