Weather data over 98W

Same here in Annapolis on 98W. Last prediction shown is dated 2017-10-24 with no new data being displayed.

I have received new data as shown on What’s New, but it is not getting processed


Thanks for the answer, we could conclude that the reason is due to the changes that the team is making to keep Outernet alive, in my experience I have been up to a maximum of 8 days without predicting the weather, then it has been resolved but only for 3 days , then the same thing happens …

I will go straight to the point, we need more feedback from the team, I respect and value the work they do, although @Syed said about changes that would come … today we are already in the midst of the changes. Is there something I can help? Is it useful for us to report these specific inconveniences? beyond all my intention is that the project is alive and growing …


You might find it useful to send the team members a private message from the Forum mail button:


Hi ac8dg, if you want to get the weather app in your Outernet RPI Station, you need to copy the weather.tbz file manually to your rpi, if you search in the forum you will find the file (weather.tbz)…copy to: “mnt/downloads/opaks” if you’re not using a ext. memory and you have tu use a ssh program in order to copy the file to the internal memory directory or “mnt/external/downloads/opaks” if you’ re using external memory to storage the files…it’s simple just power off your rpi and take out your memory, put the file in the directory and plug your memory and turn it on again.

Thanks Ken!!, I’ll do the next time.