Dreamcatcher 3.05 Case Options

I wish I could have done a better job with things. I remember when we were first starting out we had a project in Ukraine to broadcast educational content to kids whose schools were destroyed by fighting. There were similar projects in many other parts of the world, but no organization wanted to sponsor an ongoing service.

The goal has always been to provide a basic level of education and information, especially in those situations. The technology is all there. Everything works! But there’s more to it than just catching packets.

We have been sort of limping along with the public service. I still feel really strongly about the need for a universal information service. I’ve literally bet the farm on this notion. It’s unfortunate that more progress has not been made.


There you go guys and gals. Right from the heart of the Main Man. Support him as best you can in mind and spirit. That’s why I’m still receiving his signal from 23K miles away. Amazing !