Existing folder/files are missing after manually copied

My Lighthouse had only one folder inside the Community Uploads folder,

Community Uploads/UMass

I copied two folders with files from http://obereip.selfhost.de/ to my Lighthouse.

Community Uploads/2016_02_16/*.*
Community Uploads/2016_02_18/*.*

Then I attched the external hard drive again and restarted the receiver. Then I noticed the folder “Community Uploads/UMass” missing on my librarian interface.

But files are physically there.

Also all the Khan Academy folders and files are missing.

The table ‘fsentries’ contains all the entries for both existing and missing files such as UMass/.

fs=# select * from fsentries where path LIKE '%Community Uploads%';
  id   | parent_id | type |                        name                         |  size   |     create_time     |     modify_time     |                                       path                                       |   base_path
 10480 |         0 |    1 | Community Uploads                                   |       0 | 2016-05-26 06:56:45 | 2016-05-26 06:56:45 | Community Uploads                                                                | /mnt/external
 10279 |      3707 |    0 | sheet.css                                           |  404691 | 2016-05-08 14:12:12 | 2016-04-19 10:34:54 | Community Uploads/UMass/Content Index/resources/sheet.css                        | /mnt/external
 10277 |      5393 |    1 | UMass                                               |       0 | 2016-05-08 14:12:12 | 2016-05-08 14:12:12 | Community Uploads/UMass                                                          | /mnt/external
 10278 |      3704 |    0 | index.html                                          |   28143 | 2016-05-08 14:12:12 | 2016-04-19 10:34:54 | Community Uploads/UMass/Content Index/index.html                                 | /mnt/external
 12944 |     10480 |    0 | MF-Logo.JPG                                         |   23472 | 2016-05-26 06:50:06 | 2016-05-26 06:50:06 | Community Uploads/MF-Logo.JPG                                                    | /mnt/external
 12945 |     12943 |    0 | germany_berlin_spree.jpg                            |  116689 | 2016-05-26 06:49:50 | 2016-05-26 06:49:50 | Community Uploads/2016_02_18/germany_berlin_spree.jpg                            | /mnt/external
 12946 |     12943 |    0 | www.rki.de_news_02_16.pdf                           | 2623718 | 2016-05-26 06:49:41 | 2016-05-26 06:49:41 | Community Uploads/2016_02_18/www.rki.de_news_02_16.pdf                           | /mnt/external
 12947 |     12942 |    0 | command-prompt-new.pdf                              |  738558 | 2016-05-26 06:48:49 | 2016-05-26 06:48:49 | Community Uploads/2016_02_16/command-prompt-new.pdf                              | /mnt/external
 12948 |     12942 |    0 | KAMBHA-RAMAYANAM-Tamil.zip                          | 2612977 | 2016-05-26 06:48:19 | 2016-05-26 06:48:19 | Community Uploads/2016_02_16/KAMBHA-RAMAYANAM-Tamil.zip                          | /mnt/external
 12949 |     12942 |    0 | Practical-Necessity-.png                            |   45390 | 2016-05-26 06:49:02 | 2016-05-26 06:49:02 | Community Uploads/2016_02_16/Practical-Necessity-.png                            | /mnt/external
 12950 |     12942 |    0 | Use-Start-Menu-or-Run-Command-to-Access-Windows.pdf |  134944 | 2016-05-26 06:48:40 | 2016-05-26 06:48:40 | Community Uploads/2016_02_16/Use-Start-Menu-or-Run-Command-to-Access-Windows.pdf | /mnt/external
 12951 |     12942 |    0 | Works-of-Auvaiyar.pdf                               |  128759 | 2016-05-26 06:48:44 | 2016-05-26 06:48:44 | Community Uploads/2016_02_16/Works-of-Auvaiyar.pdf                               | /mnt/external
 12942 |     10480 |    1 | 2016_02_16                                          |    4096 | 2016-05-26 06:56:56 | 2016-05-26 06:56:56 | Community Uploads/2016_02_16                                                     | /mnt/external
 12943 |     10480 |    1 | 2016_02_18                                          |       0 | 2016-05-26 06:57:04 | 2016-05-26 06:57:04 | Community Uploads/2016_02_18                                                     | /mnt/external
  3707 |      3704 |    1 | resources                                           |       0 | 2016-05-08 14:12:12 | 2016-05-08 14:12:12 | Community Uploads/UMass/Content Index/resources                                  | /mnt/external
  3704 |      3703 |    1 | Content Index                                       |       0 | 2016-05-08 14:12:12 | 2016-05-08 14:12:12 | Community Uploads/UMass/Content Index                                            | /mnt/external
  3705 |      3704 |    0 | .dirinfo                                            |      10 | 2016-05-08 14:12:12 | 2016-04-19 10:34:54 | Community Uploads/UMass/Content Index/.dirinfo                                   | /mnt/external
(17 rows)

How to reproduce this issue.

  1. Turn off the Lighthouse.
  2. Unplug the external HDD and connect it to the Computer.
  3. Copy new folder/file
  4. Un-mount the drive from PC
  5. Unplug it from PC
  6. Plug it to the Lighthouse
  7. Power on Lighthouse
  8. Immediately try to connect with the Lighthouse using the web browser
  9. The 3 rd LED blinks 3 or 4 times for new client connection
  10. You could see some or more empty folders (missing files) in the Files section.

This will not happen if you log in to the Lighthouse after 5-10 mins.

The delay that you see is because the Lighthouse indexes storage drives when they are attached. Depending on number of files & folders present, it might take some while before the new content is detected.

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