Honey Bee Network - source of frugal innovations - proposal for library content


There are many undiscovered fantastic examples of simple technical innovations that improve well being of the very poor.

You should contact & partner with Honey Bee Network in India (link: | National Innovation Foundation-India ). They share resource catalogue regarding simple and cost effective solution for developing countries.

This presentation intended for Africa is a hidden gem !!! http://nif.org.in/dwn_files/africa%20calling.pdf

Please update me if this content is made available in Outernet Library for daily usage.


Similar is information for more efficient woodburning [they say biomass] burning stoves to get more cooking and less health sapping smoke. This means not having to walk as far and return with as much wood on your back as with the common open hearth cook fire. Though usually in English, you might inquire about Spanish and other languages.


RadioRay …_ ._

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Aah, yes, rocket stoves, and the recycling rocket heaters. Great projects.


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