RTL-SDR.com v3 failed - only gets hot

i ordered my DIY kit in Dec 2016 and got it by Jan 2017.
Sometimes i had the problem that the CHIP would not boot, but the SDR would get quite hot.

Today i got an error on my outernet and tried to restart it. Since then it doesn’t start anymore when the SDR is plugged in.
If i plug the SDR into my pc, it connects most of the time, but as soon as i open or use SDR# it disconnects from widnows and is realy hot every time.

I am using another v3 sdr (5/2016) at the moment with the LNA and Antenna and it works great. So it seems that the SDR from Outernet has failed :frowning:

Please send me a replacement SDR, thanks :slight_smile:

OrderID: 102251
SDR i got: RTL-SDR.com v3 (11/2016)


PS: i saw some other post from people that had failed SDRs from orders around Dec 2016 :open_mouth:

Thanks for the replacement shipment (got an email)!

I also noticed that the Signal offset much lower is than on the now dead sdr from outernet.

Old SDR; 1500-1700khz
My SDR: ~30-40khz

Thanks for the uncomplicated support!

Hello again, got my replacement SDR today in the mail.

Works fine so far.

Thanks for the great and uncomplicated support :slight_smile:
