Skylark 5.4 On-Line for Viewing

I have made my Dreamcatcher’s Client running Skylark 5.4 available for all to view. It lives on the internet at and operates between 0900 UTC and 0600 UTC. It rests and reboots for 3 hours between 0600 and 0900 UTC.

I welcome those interested to connect to the Guest Login. I suggest other Forum members to do the same and post their address below. Ken

Updated post on 1/17/2019

OMG ! Music, News and Sports for the whole Internet connected world to see! Leave it to Ken. Mighty Fine! Please no commercials!

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A brief caveat to all - - if you can’t get into the Skylark between 0900 to 0600 UTC, it is because the Dreamcatcher board failed to reboot properly, and must wait a full day cycle to automatically reboot again.

This happened on Dec 19th. Ken

Wow. Thank you for putting this up. I have been struggling fire some time to get my Dreamcatcher working. Now, more than ever, I hope I can complete my project soon! KENTON

Hi Kenton - - many of us have been with Othernet for a long time and working as amateurs to help them out. If you are in the SES-2 coverage area, check the Wiki for help setting up your terminal. See my forwarded live terminal IP address to get an idea of what Othernet is delivering. Ken

Thanks for putting that online Ken! was great to see what we’ll hopefully get once everything goes live in Europe :slight_smile:

Othernet Status Quirk

As you know, the Dreamcatcher “heartbeat” is sent to It is reported thru your Client router connection.

In my current travels, I have connected fine in Hawaii, but all the hotels’ internet connections are satellited to Los Angeles. Even the cellular internet services T-Mobile provides is satellite connected to (of all places) The Isle of Mann in the UK. So there is no way to see a connection in Hawaii! How about that?? Ken

Hello all. I finally got my receiver running here in Eugene, Oregon and I thank all of you for posting information and tips, especially Kenbarbi and Konrad. Eugene is about 250 miles directly south of Konrad. (Apx 44.08N/123-11S) I will try and send pictures of my set, but nothing spectacular. A homemade mount, Quarter inch wire mesh cone that has about 8.25 inches from throat to front of the LNB, Opening is 4 inches, Good signal levels even though my aim angle just passes through the top of some trees about 60 feet away. Off-axis by about 90 degrees are TV stations, FM broadcasters, two-way and microwave facilities located about a quarter to a half mile away and about 200 feet higher. Lots of RF and all kinds of intermod products. The Tough place to enjoy Ham radio and digital VOM’s never quite zero out. The LNB was overloaded but once I added the mesh cone everything settled down. Basic readings: SNR 10.5 to 8.1 RSSI -77 to -79 Packet error rate 0.001 and I WAS getting an audio bitrate of 8050 although this morning, audio seems to be off. It has been up since may 20 and except for a very heavy rain squall and some unusual brief power outages has been doing fine.I have another LNB, receiver and a Dish Network reflector to play with and will let you know how those things work out.