Skylark V1.0 - new Outernet Firmware!

Funny that I have had no problems at all with mine… I had a hiccup at the beginning before I flashed to the Beta, but I now know it was all my own fault!

I guess that the CHIP changing without warning is a real BIG pain!

the changing, but more importantly, theres a lot of variance within batches, in terms of wifi quality and nand quality.

not complaining - its still a magical little thing at its price. I guess with the price one must expect such things.

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No, Both LEDs Stay Lit at all times.

I will try flashing a standard firmware with the NTC flasher next

yeah, thats the “new” CHIP. Let me know how it goes with the standard firmware.

Also, just to be double-sure: you are removing the FEL header after the flash, right? If the FEL header remains, that would also cause both the LEDs to stay lit.

Standard Firmware seems to have installed fine. I am running completely headless, but I was able to connect through putty, connect to wifi, and update repositories. I will retry 1.0 again just to be doubly sure.

Windows 10 Home x64, VirtualBox 5.1.12 upgrading a Kickstarter edition CHIP: Success!
162 seconds uploading SPL/Uboot/UBI
About 2 additional minutes until blinking LED and SSID showed up

My SNR is about the same as it was before the upgrade. Right now we have no clouds so I’m seeing in the 4s and 5s as before. The antenna is indoors.

So far I like all the new features. “Whats New” is likely my favorite so far. It would be nice if you could double-click something in that screen and it would open the appropriate program. The first Wikipedia article is coming down I think. I haven’t restored any older data to this just to give it a good test with a clean downloads directory. After a few days I may put some data back on it via FTP.

Sounds like all is well with Skylark. I have had no issues and what bugs I have found are already being looked at. I like the wallpaper, that’s the best thing I like about Skylark. Who ever made it did a good job. Any way to extract it and make it my own wallpaper? My signal has improved as well. I get over 10 and my set up sits in a window.

New Skylark installed and running beautifully.

Well done Outernet.

Just keeps getting better and better.


Not sure i like the “Pearl Harbor of Satellites” background image.

But every thing else works great.

This is an amazing level of improvement from the first Skylark Beta iteration.

Everyone at Outernet please pat yourselves on the back.

Syed, Abhishek I think you and your team achieved another milestone in your journey to be the Gold standard for L-Band data-casting.


I actually like the background, but I do agree it is an amazing improvement. Great job OuterNet developers!

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Not getting a flash here… Getting this error

Now tried different PC and it seemed to go but then got same error as jstarr about no CHIP found. Un-FEL’ed, powered up, did not auto-on so hit power switch, did not boot. Tried to Flash again, then got the same error as previously with the other PC. Unable to find CHIP in FEL mode.

Third go. Looks like it’s trying to flash again. This is DIY kit CHIP, BTW, I guess it’s Alpha as it doesn’t look like the one in the forum picture. Just to clarify, I should be able to go from the original firmware Librarian version directly to the new Skylark without doing other steps, correct?

FWIW, after the Please be patient message, Windows throws a "Malfunctioning USB device error: and. then the Starting Outernet Flash begins and then fails with Unable to find CHIP in FEL mode.


Left it connected FEL and all, killed the VM. Heard Windows pick the USB device up again. Noticed the CHIP started flashing so let it finish and go steady, then unplugged and un-FEL’ed. Plugged in power, it started auto, seems to have booted and started the LNA and now I have a screen full of wrecked space debris. Good deal.

@Seasalt You see it as Pearl Harbor? I think the artist meant to depict all of the space junk that has been accumulating over the years; I’m guessing it’s supposed to be the graveyard orbit that sits about 100km above the Clarke Belt.

How often does auto clean up run? BTW autoboot on power doesn’t seem to work for me. All I get when plugging in the chip is a brief flash of the status led then nothing. It works fine after I press the button though.

Flash completed here with no issues. Base system Win 10 Pro, VM Version 5.1.10 r112026 (Qt5.6.2).

Waited for flashing, then stable LED.

Connected Via Wifi. Connected with the browser to with no issues.

Fired up the network app and added my SSID and Password and set the drop down to connect to router. Save & Reboot.

System rebooted and my router added it to the network at the static DHCP I had assigned to the Skylark Beta at

Used putty to SSH in with no issue. Did a sudo su - and ran poweroff. No problem.

Brought it back to my base station and repluged the dongle and power cord. Powered up with no button presses.

I logged into the web interface, started the tuner, changed to the US sat freq and applied. I switched to status and I saw frame lock 5 seconds later with a SNR of 6 to 7. FYI unit, pre-amp, and patch antenna sit inside on a table shooting through a sliding glass door. Lat 35N.

All and all a smooth upgrade.

Thanks @Abhishek!


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It all looks pretty smashed up. Solar panels separated from main satellite unit etc. The US Air-force is warning of a Satellite Pearl Harbor if there was a surprise attack using anti-satellite weapons. Basically Billion $ Battle-star Galactica satellites have no way of defending themselves.

Ok, as usual it takes me only a few minutes to break things…

I SSH’d in and changed the outernet password and I notice I can log in fine via SSH, but the web interface now won’t let me in with the new password or old. I changed it back and forth a couple of times and rebooted as well… What am I missing?

Is the APRS feed turned off or broken? I have not received any APRS files in several hours. Before the upgrade I was getting them frequently, now I only have one file: messages-2017-01-05_01:42.txt

On a side note, getting a lot more news (which is nice).

Just got an APRS file!

Another issue, which was occurring with the previous versions as well, I am getting a lot of 0 byte news files.