Thank you St Francis
Posting that prayer in the read section has eliminated the reiteration problem that rxOS 3.1 has. Now, waiting for rxOS 3.2 won’t be so critical. Ken
Thank you St Francis
Posting that prayer in the read section has eliminated the reiteration problem that rxOS 3.1 has. Now, waiting for rxOS 3.2 won’t be so critical. Ken
Again some glitch played havoc when I went from network wireless to hotspot.
I didn’t place the prayer in Read, but it was there and the Tab was always pushed by default. I didn’t want it show up as the first selection. As all files you download if you want or delete it. Well, I started to get multiple lines of the Outernet menu. Then, I tried to delete the prayer file and it looked like it did. Next time I selected menu, I kept getting a box saying can’t be deleted. With so little to go on to fix anything, I did another re-burn and started all over again. So, I’m running from square one again with wireless wi-fi. We’re all experimenting, Except my experimenting seems to be fatal !
I think the prayer is still in the carousel,
I usually clear out the carousel every night.
No problem Ken if you put it there. Something happened here and now the “erector set” is going back together. I think I see the basics of Weather coming down. I’m going to leave it alone the way it is: wireless network.
Go Cubs!
Good to know.
Some time back before I knew about Outernet, I went in on Kickstarter for the Omega2, also with built-in wi-fi. I should be receiving one by end of November. Maybe it could be a candidate for your CPU?
No - - I didn’t put it up. Someone else did. According to the Outernet DIY Manual, page 13, Read is supposed to display all PDF files in reader format - - but it doesn’t work in rxOS Version 3.1.
The reason I like the post is - - if there is NO text for the read tab to render, going to (or whatever your basic IP address is) or (using the Hot Spot - Outernet) you wind up in an iterative loop trying to load the Librarian unless you’re quick enough to click a different tab.
Abhishek is aware of this Librarian problem, and has it on his agenda to fix. Ken
What bothered me was the Read button was in upon entering the menu. Probably problem was just here.
That’s exactly what I saw! 3 Outernets
All hands “Carry On”.