I saw that the demodulator is running in a SCREEN session and when I attach it it shows realtime info
about the demodulation.
It would be great when the same was possible for the file indexer. Things to show on the screen
would be the current file, position in the file, missing fragments list, and possibly a list of recently
active but not yet completed files.
Of course a similar view could be added to the web apps. It is now very hard to track what is going
on,. why certain files are not complete, etc.
In the log I see messages like:
Jan 18 08:47:17 skylark user.info ondd[432]: [carousel] completed: opaks/3446-2017-01-18.Asia - Voice of America.Cambodian PM Hits Opposition Chief With New Defam.html.tbz2
Please could the size of the completed file be added to that? I think it is interesting info, to know if
large files are getting completed.