Dreamcatcher v3.02: Feedback Thread

@syed what is the ideal snr?

You’ll want to see -12. What is your number?


That will result in a higher than ideal packet error rate. See if slightly better pointing or LNB rotating doesn’t improve the SNR. If not, then leave it alone for awhile and see if you get any files.

rip had my first dream catcher lockup

Likewise here in Annapolis with newly delivered Dreamcatcher - - I cannot get into the Dreamcatcher 3.020. I see no WiFi signal, so can’t see signal reception. Ken

@kenbarbi Have you tried on both boards? Is the dongle flashing green?

I only tried it on one board plugged directly into a 2.4 amp USB wall wart with a short cable that used to run my Lantern. I downloaded We Moved! and unziped it with 7-zip to a 315,392 kB file which I used Win32DiskImage to Write onto my 32 GB micro SD chip (the micro SD chip that I used consistently in my Lantern on the L-band system) after I did a full Rufus 2.17 wipe.

I installed the chip as the read file says, and my display on the DC said Ready! Lights next to SD chip port - one always blue, next to it one that blinks green. Next to the power switch, I have a steady green and red light. My WiFi dongle is slowly blinking green.

On another computer looking at the WiFis nearby (5 feet), I do not see the Outernet WiFi Hotspot.

Do I have to do anything special to see the Outernet WiFi Hotspot? The elegant display on the DC shows a radiating “hot dog” looking left to the satellite, and right to me. Ken

Also just wondering is the signal supposed to be stable as my snr is bouncing between 13-17

Well I’'ll be dammed !! I checked my router and found the DC connected to my network without my intervention. How did that happen? I never gave the DC my network name or password. Did it recover it somehow from my wiped SD chip? This seems wrong.

Anyway, I got the new Skylark Version 5.0 screen. Here it is on its new local IP of!

I was expecting something allot more complicated :heart_eyes:

I guess the blind leading the blind is the way to go. Next, I’ll take the DC outside and point to the satellite.


ibid: mine was also somehow connecting as a client: after I used a old 32g sd from my v 2.03 dc. even after a “sd card formatter v 5.0.0 by tuxera”. I guess that hidden protected stuff on the sd cards is truely protected… scarey.

No packets decoded in the ‘status’ tab == blank.
Not able to putty or telnet into the board… but somehow it is running///

hey @Syed when does the weather files roll out? or the first audio file?

Here is my experience so far:

  • Downloaded latest version and created SD card using applePi-Baker on the Mac.
  • Made all of the connections(fairly easy since the board is labelled). Running power off of a USB power brick.
  • I am using an old DirectTV dish with a universal mount for the LNB provided.
  • The Dreamcatcher came up and lcd display “Ready”. No issues.
  • Hardest part as always is pointing the dish. Got it aligned with no rotation adjustment to the lnb
  • SNR is 1 to .75 and data is coming in.

Here is a picture of the setup:


To add to that, I will try and point the LNB without the Dish next. FYI, getting 20Kbps throughput.

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@kenbarbi I’m really scratching my head on how the Dreamcatcher could have connected to your network.

@ac8dg Did you try using Putty on a serial session with the speed set as 115200?

@tylerhoot You should have weather by now. We’re experimenting with an audio broadcast (streaming), so stay tuned for that later this week.

@mikefp 20kbps is what the playout server is set to right now. You should get that even if your SNR drops to -12 SNR. I’m surprised that you aren’t getting higher SNR with the dish.

We typically bounce around from -10.5 to -13. But that is a data point of one. We are not yet sure about what normal is.

since i flashed to a 32gig sd card did it auto expand the image for that? and also so hanging around -11.5 to -13 stn ratio good then?

I really didn’t try hard to tune the dish. What would you say is a good snr from a dish?

Syed, I am a complete noob with respect to this device, however my new DC appears to be working, from indications of what I have read. The screen says ready and shows icons like a router and six more small items to the right, and displays the word, “READY!”. The white LED is lit brightly, the green one adjacent is blinking, the tiny green one next to the LNB connection is on steady. The red and green next to the switch are on steady. However, I have only been able to connect to the GUI for the guest account on the Access Point. I have no idea how to set up the IP address with my router, as I cannot get a good serial connection (at 115200 N 8 1 the screen runs as though it was the wrong baud rate, and the characters are repetitive but nonsensical). On my ttl to usb cable, the wire connecting to grd is black, rx is white, tx is green, no connection(red) to the 3v3 pin (this was set up to work with ubiquiti bullet). Am I backwards on rx and tx? From what I see, it appears to be ready to go to work, I’m just missing a connect here somehow. I have not tried to aim the LNB just yet, trying to make sure I deal with the connections first. Would also appreciate directions on azimuth and elevation for the LNB for Salt Lake City, please.

Both units came today. Please let me know which unit needs to be returned.

I have not found a spot that produces a strong signal yet.

–Konrad, WA4OSH