FEEDBACK: What would be a really interesting radio product?

Like I said in my post, I have NO INTEREST in the Outernet datacast. That is not meant to be harsh. I can see where it might be of interest. My biggest disinterest is the lack of data I would use or need. Again, my disinterest in the datacast is not a big factor unless of course the $49 Mystery device is dedicated to the datacast. Like the one SDR they are clearing that is tied to their L Band datacast only. I could see that board having been of interest if was wideband.

For ME the HARDWARE is the important piece and only thing I am interested in. The DCSDR is a neat little device, and if it works with what I am after, makes some things i am interested in doing better than taking Pi3’s and sticking a SDR on it.

If me purchasing DCSDR’s funds Outernet datacasting, great! Bully for them. and they make some $$ on the DCSDR great too! I still benefit with a decent SDR with a SoC on board. Winners all around.

Thats why I stated that going up the chain would be the better route. With a $49 limit, that is not going to happen.

Between the $30 RTL-SDR dot com the now $99 RSP1. I am not sure what you do in this space. I am not sure how much over $99 you go. Unless a V3.0 DCSDR has some unique features. rtl-sdr has become synounmous with CHEAP radio. A way to do P25 digital for $50-75 if you start from scratch versus $400-500 for a P25 scanner, or more if you want to risk a P25 radio, and it not get bricked by an observant sys admin (hint! :slight_smile: )

Definitely need some more direction on where the target is on this, more than a $49 device.

Content cannot be forgotten. Let’s say a small community needs to improve the supply of clean water. Internet is not available, DIY books are lost or very old. What Outernet needs to do is identify the problem, and find the content to help the people solve the problem. The content should be archived and available at any time to review. The info should be maintained and updated. I know I’m over oversimplifying, but we have to keep our eyes on the target. Success in helping these people get a cleaner water supply and that Outernet played a roll in this humanitarian effort should get the attention of backers. Yes, we need lobbyists that have big bucks and connections!

Not sure if we need Lobbyists and big bucks.

The most interesting story in Africa was the African guy who went around Door-to-door and HIRE-PURCHASED his Solar battery light to people in Kenya who then paid him each week the same amount of money they would have spent on lighting Kerosene.

I am not saying forget the content. This was a request for input on a RADIO PRODUCT @ $49. So what is the aim, other than, I will guess SDR @ $49? Is it meant to be wider SDR for 60-1700MHz, L Band only???

If me and others like me purchase the hardware to use for non Outernet stuff, and it supports the datacast. Great!

While I get your goal and idea on the content, for me since I am not in one of those locations to need this stuff, its not important to me. Now maybe if you were taking the US NOAA NWR WX Wire text stuff, compress them, and feed it out over the Outernet feed, and it was reliable, and as quick to cast as the GOES L band, and the other forms its transmitted on right now, I would be all over that feed. This is text stuff and is highly compressible, but it needs to be in NEAR REAL TIME, and RELIABLE due to the nature of the ALERT data for severe weather. At present most WX Wire/EMWIN users probably get 5-30 seconds on the text product being received before the NWR SAME alert for the same alert. I don’t know if that possible or what the delay is via all this, especially with getting the data, reuplinking, time to travel to space, back etc… There also is no point in sending this data to a EU/UK/Africa sat, but ON has posted while its possible to differentiate the feeds, they are not inclined to do so, plus based on reading, I am not sure the reliability of the uplink is ready for being a SEVERE WX data transmission method. ie: When a TOR comes out SECONDS COUNT! A NWR and this SAVES LIVES. Trust me, I am in area which has no clue on the concept of tornado sirens, and there has been property and LIFE LOSS because of this! And residents still are AGAINST a tornado siren system!

Not important to me doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done, and me and others like me who purchase hardware which generates a profit seem to fund that datacast into places that need it, Great!

So the current DCSDR, and this $49 device could be that profit stream that helps fund the datacast. I can slurp up 10-20 of the DCSDR’s alone to do something if my testing works out. More if other things work. And depending on what the $49 device has feature set wise, it might be even more! All pure profit to the data cast, as I wouldn’t be using it.

The CONTENT AND THE DEVICES both go hand in hand. The simple device coupled with good content for those who need/want the content will be part and parcel with those like me, who only need to the good SDR hardware to do something else other than ON.