The outernet is works in costa rica central america?

My first question is if OUTERNET WORKS IN COSTA RICA CENTRAL AMERICA?.. 2: In my country outernet is something very new, so we don´t know much about that, and if I understanding Outernet if such as internet?..and 3: I want to buy it if works here, but I use paypal to buy on the web because it´s very safe to use, and I don´t see the icon of Paypal…4: Where I can see the rates of shipping?..Thank you and kind regards!

  1. It should work in your Country with the I-4 F3 Americas satellite at 98 degrees West. Have a look at

  2. Outernet is not a connection to the Internet and only can only be used to receive informations.
    So you can only Download, but not upload data.

  3. They have problems with paypal in the moment as far as i know. I payed in late December over Paypal, but the option is gone at the Moment. But @Syed should have a better answer to this question :slight_smile:

  4. Go to the Shop and click trueh the buying process. At the point of “Shipping” it shouldd estimate the cost.

regards from Germany,

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