2021March - (North America) Settings for SES2 - Skylark

2021 March - North America beam - SES2
Settings for the Skylark (North America)?

Signal Status in North America
As per Syed, Ken, Tysonpower… etc.

START discussion / continued from

creates - Frequency Finder

Satellite Frequency Finder App for Skylark

Maybe the little App i made helps people finding the right Frequency faster, Feedback is welcome of course :slight_smile:

I am hoping for a topic/subject message thread I may follow related to SES2 2021March to get help.


Settings for the US Beam are 12.0894 Ghz - Beam Type 36 as stated in my tuner app.


Here is the link to the app @Tysonpower is referring to:

"You can download the new 1.11 Version here (Right click->Save Link as):

DC3 Frequency Finder "

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thanks for your help.

This is a great resource:
[maxboysdad] & [Tysonpower]
"You can download the new 1.11 Version here (Right click->Save Link as):
DC3 Frequency Finder "

Thanks for both they helped me get connected.