Dreamcatcher $99

I can’t see any Problems with received files on my ESP based DC, i think all Problems reported here have todo with not used Files on the Broadcast or Receivers that don’t have a stable Signal maybe.

@SYED Yes, everything is working, SNR is 2 and RSSI is -74, no errors. Although I have no new news since 11 Feb. It also likes to crash when I try to open files.

I’ve mounted Bullseye on a dish and got SNR -3 to 0, but still only a few News and lots of files in tmp.
Let me know if I can help debugging, I’m familiar with UART.

We are seeing the same problem. We’re currently working on a fix.

@alexus Can you please delete the tmp directory and then let me know what you see after a day?

When I click on the TMP folder under FILES it crashes (and comes back by itself some time later). How would I delete the TMP folder? Is there console access or something (sorry the new one is very new to me).

Nothing new in news since Feb 11 but I saw it downloading opaks and stuff.

@BillMc Could you remove the SD card and put it on your PC? Then just navigate to the tmp directory and delete.

well sorry for the late reply trying to get in to my Wikipedia folder crashed the othernet web UI but its downloading not downloading stuff the temp directory is full of stuff (244MB Size)(Size on disk 367MB) and i cleared the SD card to see if it will download fresh file… after clearing the sd card its downloading again and im able to see files again

Do you have any other units besides the repaired 2206 that you could sell. Like any older units or so. Long shot but do you have any of the patch antennas still also? I have been really interested in this for awhile but never really got a chance to purchase a unit or anything.

@theblottobox I have 100 Dreamcatchers arriving in about two weeks. I don’t have any patches left, but those wouldn’t work now. What do you need one for?

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When will the next batch of the new boards and receivers be coming in? Life got hectic and I didn’t remember to order one.



@PArmstr The next batch is on its way to me.

Wow you guys are back on the air? I wandered off when the project stopped broadcasting and then got busy with life, starting a company. I also took a break from ham radio too. Someone on r/amateurradio posted asking about the project so I came looking. I see my old equipment would work with the new LMB. I am not fully caught up yet but this is pretty exciting! I really wanted you guys to be a success.

@kf4hzu I don’t think we ever really went off-air? Maybe for a few days/weeks? It’s possible, I just don’t remember.

If you have any thoughts on how the service–at 2 kbps–could be more useful, I’m all ears. Since you are coming back to it after a long break, you might have some really useful insight.

This was years ago but yes I think it was a few weeks to a month. Maybe contract negotiations?

Back when I was very active the service was broadcasting open license books, the top-something of Wikipedia, world news and a few other things. I may even have a backup of the old stream somewhere. You were also selling credits where someone could tweet a URL and it would be included in the next transmit cycle. I bought some of those credits too. This was when the signal worked indoors with a small patch antenna.

If you guys are still doing that, then great! My LMB should be arriving today so I’ll likely be online this weekend. Once I get more up to speed with the current state of the project I’d be happy to offer any feedback I may have. I am just excited you guys are still going :slight_smile:

Edit: Seems I started around December 2016: Are you a ham? Stand up and be counted - #66 by kf4hzu


Is there another link to purchase the new boards?

I’ll post a link this week. The latest batch has been received.

It’s finally possible to buy a Dreamcatcher again. Here is the link:

This is a very rudimentary kit. It includes only the Dreamcatcher and Bullseye. No instructions are included, so please ask any questions on the forum. The Dreamcatcher requires a 5V/2A USB-C power supply (phone charger) and you’ll also need to supply a coax (RG-6) cable.

The schematic will be posted on Github this weekend.


Could you re-post on this page what parameters are necessary to set up this unit, please? (/frequency, beam type)


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@maxboysdad Do you mean the old Dreamcatcher with Skylark or the new one?